Kuling and Lushan Videos

Jim Harnsberger Interviewed for 'Lushan Nursery Rhyme' a CCTV4 Film
China's CCTV Documentaries Tell the Lushan Story
Many stories have emerged in the history of Western families in China in the late 1800's and early 1900's. These stories othe foreigners return to their China homes have capivated not only the Westerner, but also the Chinese who are curious when they hear an aging Westerner speaking local Chinese dialects perfectly. In 2006, China TV station CCTV 4 captured Dr. James P. Harnsberger in Lushan while returning to his family home in a 30 minute documentary called Lushan Nursery Rhyme in Chinese.
Many stories have emerged in the history of Western families in China in the late 1800's and early 1900's. These stories othe foreigners return to their China homes have capivated not only the Westerner, but also the Chinese who are curious when they hear an aging Westerner speaking local Chinese dialects perfectly. In 2006, China TV station CCTV 4 captured Dr. James P. Harnsberger in Lushan while returning to his family home in a 30 minute documentary called Lushan Nursery Rhyme in Chinese.
American Love for Lushan - CCTV Channel 9
_Lushan Sacred Mountain - Journeys in Time

_CCTV 15 Part Documentary Series - click here
This complete documentary on the history of Lushan is excellent
Part 8 tells the story of E.S. Little and the Western period.
This complete documentary on the history of Lushan is excellent
Part 8 tells the story of E.S. Little and the Western period.