Join KASA International and Renew Membership

The Kuling American School Association hopes you will renew your KASA membership (or join us!) and consider an additional donation toward our important goals to sustain the long term relationship and friendship we share with China and Mt Lu.
Please fill out the for and return with your dues and contribution. You may download the membership file and mail membership documents with a check, or email us a copy online and pay fees with a credit card through a secure Pay Pal credit card portal. Thank you!
KASA Membership Options:
Please check one and mail in your check or go online today! Thank you.
O Dues for One Year —— $30.00
O Dues for 2013 & 2014 —— $50.00
O $1,000.0 O $500.00 O $250.00 O $100.00 O $50.00 O $25.00 O Other_____
Full Name_______________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________
City_____________________________________________________ State________Zip___________________________________________
Telephone________________________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________
Make all Checks Payable to: KASA International, Nfp.
Please mail to address: KASA International, Nfp. KASA International , nfp
P.O. Box 346, Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113
Note: KASA International nfp, is a USA based Alumni Association whose primary purpose is to rebuild a bridge to China and share the history and deep connection to China of the Western families who lived in Lushan and attended the Kuling American School.
You may also donate any amount to the non-profit through a secure Pay-Pal credit card portal, by clicking the 'DONATE' button below. In 2012, these donations are not tax deductible because our organization does not have tax deductible status.
We sincerely thank you for your support.
More info about KASA, please email Kim Whitener:

kasa_membership_2012_form.docx | |
File Size: | 24 kb |
File Type: | docx |